Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Unsung Sisters of Action: Judith's Maid

Judith 13:9

And tumbled his body down from the bed, and pulled down the canopy from the pillars; and anon after she went forth, and gave Holofernes his head to her maid;

Judith's maid was a remarkable women. Along side Judith they accomplished great things for their people. As the book of Judith would have you know she was cooperative, trustworthy, obedient, fearless but more importantly a friend.

This duo was fervent for the Most High!  They approached the first watch of the Assyrians with full confidence in the mission to take Holofernes's HEAD!

Can you fathom that?? She ministered to her mistress flawlessly showing no signs of stage freight as she accommodated her behind enemy lines. She took pride in ministering to Judith never with contempt but with grace.

Upon their return with victory in tow, They were given a garland of olive and all Israel celebrated with Judith leading the way.

The scriptures leave her nameless true indeed, nevertheless the Word does give us comfort concerning the brave maid, Judith granted her freedom as written in the Law.