Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lamentation For The Daughter Of Jephthah

We are currently observing Lamentation For The Daughter Of Jephthah August 1-5 
Lamentation for the Daughter of Jephthah is a custom held by the women of Israel yearly for four days. The scripture is not specific as the date or season but it does make clear that it was a custom and that it was observed by the space of 4 days by women in Israel. It is important to know that this day is a customary observance and a memorial kept by the women of Israel and is not a High Holy Day, Sabbath or Feast but a remembrance with lamentation for a righteous sister that was sacrificed to THE FATHER through a vow from her father Jephthah the Gileadite. We lament that this righteous sister had neither married or had children.

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