"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." ~ Matthew 5:16 Sign up for our YG Weekly Publication by clicking below. Our Israelite Sister Development Hangout Is Every 4th Sunday At 8pm est. Follow us on Google Plus Twitter and Tumblr @YHWHSGIRLZ and Like us on Facebook. Shalom :)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

"Sabbath 101"

Shalom, I pray this article finds everyone in good spirits. I wanted to take a moment to deal with the many questions that are asked by newly repented Israelites about the Sabbath and also deal with confusion as it pertains to doctrines that concern the Sabbath.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." ~ Exodus 20:8
zakar  (zaw-kar')
to mark (so as to be recognized), i.e. to remember; by implication, to mention
the sabbath
shabbath  (shab-bawth')
intermission, i.e (specifically) the Sabbath -- (+ every) sabbath.
yowm  (yome)
a day (as the warm hours),
to keep it holy
qadash  (kaw-dash')
to be (causatively, make, pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally).

We must in our repentance understand that a lot of the things that we would normally do we just CAN NOT do those things anymore. Period!  As a newly repentant Israelite or an Israelite that has known their heritage and laws for some time it is our duty to deal with the scriptures "as they are written" we can not make up things or break the commandments to make our life more in tune with worldliness or to make us more comfortable.  Examples of this include going to see our family or friends on Sabbath that are not repentant well knowing they are cooking, working, and speaking about things that are inappropriate for us to speak about according to the scriptures. We should not be gossiping about other family members reminiscing about our wickedness or anything else that is contrary to sound doctrine. We should not be helping family or friends move, shop or any other thing that is prohibited according to the scripture. We should not be around Israelites that do not keep the laws as they are written.

"Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:"
Exodus 20 :9-10

Question: Is it okay to clean up your house on the Sabbath vacuuming, dish washing (big job), dusting, moping, etc
Answer : NO
If the scripture is telling you to do no servile work therein why would you be cleaning your house (cleaning is servile work)? Now if you spill something on your floor you do not have to wait to the end of the Sabbath to get it up. Use wisdom. To avoid having excessive dishes and cups in the house on the Sabbath purchase paper plates and cups to only be used on the Sabbath. 

Question: Can I and or my family go to the park on Sabbath. 
Answer: Yes
There is nothing wrong with you and your family going to the park on the Sabbath day for a picnic or something of that nature. Be sure to take everything you need with you because you are still prohibited from buying that includes paying for parking or partaking in anything that will cause someone else to have to work to help you or your family on the Sabbath.  For this reason, many Israelites decide to stay home and away from public places on the Sabbaths with the exception Teaching or convocation with other Israelites.

Question: Can married couples engage in sex on the Sabbath?
Answer: Yes & No 
This question comes with a yes and a no. Reason being, a married couple has to decide if they are going to abstain from sex as a couple (see 1st Corinthians 7:5) it is not a one-way street. Isaiah 58:13 is commonly used to say there can be no sex on the Sabbath or anything done that you take pleasure in. Isaiah used the word pleasure and for many this is misinterpreted because with our current degenerative condition sex is what drives many. Our forefathers and mothers were not sex crazed maniacs like many of our people are today. Our forefathers and mothers had different pleasures (see Deuteronomy 14:26). You must examine yourselves to know what you should and should not be doing on the Sabbath in addition to above commandments. Example: It is a pleasure for me to study scriptures so should I stop studying on the Sabbath or I really enjoy eating fruit so should I stop eating fruit as well.  If you keep the script in its proper context It is speaking of buying, cooking, selling. and working. These are things that we take pleasure in that are already prohibited. Also going to school is another thing we abstain from on the Sabbath.  The more you study the scriptures the easier it is to understand what THE FATHER requires of you. Exodus 20:8-10 tells us what can't be done in the Sabbath. Isaiah is saying the same thing he is simply calling the things prohibited in Exodus "pleasures".  Now if sex is one of those things that you seem to stumble on continually embrace THE MOST HIGH GODS Holy
Sabbath to help you. That goes for anything in your life that seems to come before the laws of GOD.

You can not look on the laws of GOD and read them and add your own meaning. The law of the Sabbath is clear. DO NOT tempt THE FATHER because it will not go well for you. 

Question: Do I have to convocate(gather) with other Israelites on the Sabbath?
Answer: YES 
"Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an HOLY CONVOCATION; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings." ~Leviticus 23:3

Question: Can I travel on the Sabbath?
Answer: YES
Traveling on the Sabbath is just fine, you do have to convocate but remember, try to stay in a good range where you don't have to stop and by gas or oil or anything like that. Buying is still prohibited.

Now we are aware that some organizations that say they are Israelites put burdens on their congregation members to sit in buildings for 8-12  hours (or more) on the Sabbath.  That is not biblical. Convocation does not have a time stamp on it. This type of burden makes brothers and sisters despise the Sabbaths and this is not good. The leaders of Israel have put many things before our people to cause them to stumble, but in your understanding remember convocation is a holy gathering, and you do not have to sit somewhere 12 hours to keep the law of convocation. Now if you want to be in a place that long that is your choice but, the Sabbath is a day of rest so if you're not getting any rest you may need to evaluate how you observe the Sabbath. If no one is around you try to get online with other believers until someone is in your area.
Question : How many people need to be at a holy convocation
Answer: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." `Matthew 18:20

So Christ says "gathered together in my name"  that means  " gathered under the law"

 Now with that being said if you are the kind of person that doesn't like to be around other Israelites and make every excuse not to convocate on the Sabbath you err not knowing the scriptures as the book of the law says : 
"Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;" ~Romans 12:10
You must prefer each other and if you don't want to be around each other your spirit is not right. Period! If you have a problem with a brother or sister just let them know. Learn how to resolve problems with each other under the law. Being anti-social isn't going to help you in your walk nor does THE FATHER look favorably on you for it.  Many of our people have had such a bad experience with camps or church or religious organizations that they don't want to gather around Israelites anymore. That is okay that you don't want to be apart of and organization but breaking the Sabbath is not. HOLY CONVOCATION IS A COMMANDMENT.

Though the law of the Sabbath is very straight forward I simply wanted to deal with a few things that seem to cause division in Israel. I hope this helps you in understanding the Sabbath and if there is anything that you don't understand please email us at yhwhsgirlz12@gmail.com or lawlifeschool@gmail.com